I think in years to come the Cass Review, and the media’s complicity, will be viewed in much the same way as Andrew Wakefield’s infamous MMR scare and its promotion by Private Eye and UK newspapers. Unfortunately like Wakefield, it will continue to harm people until and long after it’s been fully discredited and its author a pariah.
One of the countries who provided supposedly expert guidance to Cass was Finland, whose Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala was on the Cass advisory board. Dr Kaltialia has testified in favour of banning trans-related care in Florida and a new report by Assigned Media reveals the horrific abuse and medical malpractice carried out by her gender clinics. The Cass Review has multiple other links to anti-trans activism.
The British Medical Association has now announced it will review the Cass report and has made some mild criticisms of it already, and the bigots are furious – which makes you wonder what it is they’re so scared of. After all, if the Cass Review is so scientific, the BMA review will just confirm that. Right?
There is already a very long list of Cass Review critiques, which have repeatedly demonstrated that this was an ideological project. Dr Ruth Pearce has been tracking them on her website and it’s already quite the collection. Even if you do as Cass did and ignore the voices of trans healthcare experts as biased, it’s hard to argue that the Endocrine Society or the American Academy of Pediatrics are trans activists. But then, this was never about listening to the experts.