Category: Hell in a handcart

  • A sperm donor, not a dad

    Update, 26/7: Vivian, Musk’s estranged daughter, has given an interview to NBC: “if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”  Elon Musk has given an appalling interview to the appalling Jordan Peterson in which he demonises and deadnames his trans daughter, claiming…

  • Ignore the experts

    There’s a good piece about the puberty blocker ban in The Guardian by Aidan Kelly, a doctor, in which he explains how we’ve ended up in the farcical situation where fashion writers, bigoted journalists and arrogant celebrities are considered experts in trans healthcare but clinicians and prestigious medical organisations are not. In this area of…

  • Whitewashing

    If it weren’t so horrific it’d be funny: to counter whistleblowers’ claims that since the puberty blocker ban more than 16 young people on waiting lists have taken their own lives, the new government hastily commissioned a report to disprove their claims by, er, discounting the deaths of people on waiting lists. The report’s author…

  • Losers

    This has been one of the most dispiriting elections I can remember; rather than voting for anything, a lot of people were voting against the Tories. And it was particularly dispiriting for LGBTQ+ people like me: of the seven candidates on my ballot paper, five of them were from parties who are a danger to…

  • Facts checked

    The US advocacy group GLAAD just published an absolutely blistering fact-check of a very biased New York Times article that was yet again scaremongering about trans healthcare for teens, part of an ongoing panic that the paper has been fuelling for 16 consecutive months. Among the key points is a staggering statistic. The number of…

  • Dead children don’t matter

    If you were in any doubt that the trans “issue” is a moral panic and that trans lives don’t matter to almost all of the media, the UK newspapers have provided ample evidence over the last few days. Every single paper, not just the right-wing ones, has ignored the news that the puberty blocker ban…

  • “Protecting children”

    Content warning: this is very, very bleak. Jolyon Maugham of the Good Law Project has posted a lengthy thread about what appears to be a national scandal: the deaths of multiple young trans people since the NHS began restricting their healthcare, and the NHS’s ongoing attempts at a cover-up. I have now seen further evidence…

  • Vote

    There’s a pretty dispiriting article on the BBC news website today interviewing five people who won’t be voting in the general election. The reasons are pretty much what you’d expect: it doesn’t change anything, parties break their promises, there’s precious little clear blue water between them and so on. And these things are probably true,…

  • Destruction

    I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can read stories like this one and still believe that anti-trans activism or legislation is about protecting anybody from anything; the goal is to be as cruel as possible to trans people and their families. This latest example comes from Florida, whose exceptionally vicious anti-trans witch-hunt appears to have…

  • The fix is in

    Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has proudly confirmed what our fearless media preferred not to investigate and will most likely choose not to report: the Cass Review was an ideological project and the government has been stuffing key organisations with transphobes in order to roll back trans people’s rights and healthcare. Posting on X, quote-tweeting one…