Both-sidesing bigotry

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: politicians, the BBC and the press are reporting outright bigotry as “concerns” and one side of a “controversy” or “debate”.

Not genital-obsessed weirdos this time, at least not today, although I’m sure the Venn diagram of those people and today’s bunch has a lot of overlap: this time the “concerned” people are the English far-right rioters who over the weekend assaulted multiple people of colour, looted shops, burned down a library and attempted to burn asylum seekers out of a hotel.

According to BBC news reporter Phillip Norton far right rioters in Manchester were a “pro-British march”; Home Office minister David Hanson told LBC Radio that some rioters “might be people who’ve got genuine concerns” and The Telegraph front page described people of all faiths and none being attacked by white racists as “far right and muslims clash in fresh riots”.