• People with cancer “more likely to be pissed off” than people without cancer

    Although that’s not entirely how it’s been reported: Positive thinkers ‘avoid cancer’ Women who have a positive outlook may decrease their chances of developing breast cancer, say Israeli researchers. …But the researchers admitted that women were questioned after their diagnosis, which might significantly change their outlook on life.”

  • A happy Xbox experience

    My Xbox 360 developed the dreaded Red Ring of Death the other week, and after trying the various troubleshooting tips it was pretty obvious that the ‘box was broken. So with a sinking feeling I called tech support to try and arrange a repair. What I expected was this: Hours on the phone being passed…

  • The “let’s post stupid comments on the Mail website” movement is still going on, I see

    The story: BAA will have to sell some airports. The comment: well said Kieth of Somerset, definetly should be a UK Ownership, but with Nu Labour and PC Brigade, probably sold to El QUADA

  • Bin Laden

    My local council has implemented a new rubbish collection policy (and apparently, an exciting new range of CONTAMINATED! stickers for anybody who accidentally leaves a can in a bin, or the wrong kind of plastic in the recycle box). The main part of the policy: from now on, if your bin lid isn’t completely closed…

  • Could shutting down Pandora open Pandora’s box?

    An interesting post on Broadstuff about Pandora, the web-radio service whose extremely high royalty payments may force it out of business: it’s clear that Pandora and its ilk will live – it’s far too good to lose – [so] it will just go to the P2P freenet if this practice continues, thus hurting the Industry…

  • Pay-per-click journalism

    Last year, I wrote a column for .net about the increasing importance of clicks – that is, judging the success of something not by how good or bad it is, but by how much traffic it generates. A few weeks ago, the music reviewer from The Herald newspaper went to see My Chemical Romance and,…

  • iPhone 3G: never mind “it just works”; have you tried turning it off and back on again?

    As I mentioned earlier, O2’s 3G network has gone to crap today in my bit of Scotland – but talking to customer services, they were very keen to send me a checklist for 3G problems anyway. “We’ve sent this to a lot of iPhone customers”, the rep told me. Here’s the checklist exactly as it…

  • iPhone 3G connection problems? Might not be your iPhone…

    …or at least, it might not be if you’re in the West of Scotland. O2’s data network has gone tits-up and there’s no red-hot 3G action for anyone round these parts. O2 network issues aside, is anyone else following the reports of iPhone problems and getting a flashback to the first Xbox 360 red rings…

  • “Do not let ladies prefer dildo to you!”

    Yep, it’s spam time again. This time the text is colour-coded, with the first letter of each line forming the acronym “MEGADIK”. No, really. M – men always would like, that at them all was more, than at others E – enlarge your manhood today and reap all the benefits G – guys get jealous…

  • Frankenwriting

    Slate magazine journalist gets a tip that one of his pieces has been plagiarised. It turns out that it’s not just one piece, and it’s not just him. with the exception of the local events listings, every single item in the June 3-July 10 Bulletin is suspicious. Indeed, I wonder: In purely statistical terms, do…