A happy Xbox experience

My Xbox 360 developed the dreaded Red Ring of Death the other week, and after trying the various troubleshooting tips it was pretty obvious that the ‘box was broken. So with a sinking feeling I called tech support to try and arrange a repair.

What I expected was this:

  • Hours on the phone being passed from pillar to post
  • Days and days before my console was picked up
  • A couple of months without an Xbox while it sat in Germany gathering dust
  • A returned Xbox with “there’s bugger-all wrong with it” written in biro on it

What I got was this:

  • Talking to a real person within a few minutes
  • An emailed shipping label that arrived during the phone call
  • Pickup of the console within three hours
  • An email update telling me it was fixed a week and a half later
  • Delivery a few days after that, on the promised date
  • A note explaining that my motherboard and DVD drive were buggered, so they’d been replaced
  • A complimentary month’s membership of Xbox Live

Credit where credit’s due, that’s made me feel very positive about Microsoft.