Category: Uncategorised

  • “Forgive yourself. Every goddamn day.”

    Over at Ask Polly, Heather Havrilesky responds to a reader who’s finding it hard to find joy any more.  Engage with this crisis instead of trying to cut it off. Let these feelings in instead of blaming yourself for them. Be more patient with your own sadness. And look for joy everywhere you can, every…

  • Christmas wishes

    As someone wrote in a song: I hope you have a good one; I hope your Christmas is fun I hope you’re with your family and there’s something for you under the tree And I hope you thank your lucky stars I’m thanking my lucky stars this year: in the run-up to Christmas I’ve been…

  • I think this means I’m a toddler

    It’s time for my annual joke: every queen should have two birthdays. Today is my second one of the year, because I legally became Carrie two years ago. It feels much longer than two years, and sometimes I feel like this. But more often, I feel blessed. This isn’t an easy road to walk but…

  • Support this crowdfunding campaign to help women

    Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and Rape Crisis Scotland needs your money. Please donate if you can: it’s an essential and desperately underfunded service. The stories being shared by the @rapecrisisscot Twitter account are heartbreaking. On a typical day across Scotland this year over one thousand survivors of sexual violence…

  • Frozen 2 is very beautiful

    I took the kids to see Frozen 2 today and had an unexpectedly brilliant time. The film’s a ton of fun, particularly so in 4DX when your seats move and you get sprayed with compressed air and water. 4DX is ridiculously expensive but hugely entertaining. if you’re going to go, try and see it in…

  • Why we remember

    It’s Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) today, the day when the trans community and our allies mourn the deaths of people killed because they were transgender or gender non-conforming. 2019 isn’t over yet but so far 331 trans people have been murdered, hanged or lynched. Those are just reported and recorded crimes; the real number…

  • Sheep laughs

    The kids and I went to see the new Shaun The Sheep film, Farmageddon, today. It’s warm, wonderful, and very British – in the best possible sense of the word. I laughed even more than my kids did.

  • Lipstick for singers who want the stick to stay stuck

    I know what you’ve been thinking. “Carrie,” you’ve been thinking. “All this politics stuff is all very right-on, but where’s the #relateable #content? Why can’t you blog about interesting things, like how to find lipstick that doesn’t make you look like Robert Smith from The Cure’s granny?” This post’s for you. One of the things…

  • Voter ID: a solution that doesn’t work for a problem we don’t have

    To paraphrase Mrs Merton: what first atttracted the Conservative government to voter ID, a scheme that would stop many non-Tory voters from voting? After an unsuccessful attempt to introduce it in 2017, voter ID is back! Back! BACK! This version is slightly more sensible than Theresa May’s version from two years ago (unlike May’s proposals…

  • “Abominable” isn’t

    I took the kids to see Abominable yesterday. I didn’t have high hopes: the marketing made it look like another school-holiday by-the-numbers animation, and I already knew it made extensive use of one of Coldplay’s worst songs. But it turned out to be a wee gem of a film, and my two loved it. It…