Category: Uncategorised

  • Free videos for schoolchildren from the BBC

    BBC Teach has thousands of free videos, mapped to the curriculum, for primary and secondary schools. It’s a fantastic resource for parents that also offers advice to those of us suddenly and unexpectedly running a school in our homes.

  • Free audiobooks for children

    Audible, the Amazon-owned ebook service, is offering free audio stories for children for as long as the schools are closed.  It’s a pretty good selection, ranging from classics such as Winnie the Pooh and White Fang to more contemporary Audible originals. I think it’ll come in handy on a rainy day.

  • A bag for life

    This is my bag. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My bag is an Animal, canvas and khaki. It was a present from my daughter nearly three years ago, a happy gift during a sad time. Since then my bag and I have been inseparable. It has felt my nervous hands…

  • So long, and thanks for all the fish

    (Update: the dolphin photos were fake news: the images are from Sardinia where our marine mammal pals are regularly spotted. But the sentiment still stands) I’ve given up trying to predict the things that make me cry these days. The latest ones were images from Italy showing the now-clear water teeming with fish and even…

  • Ice Ice Baby

    There are lots of good causes hoping for your attention and your cash right now, and I’d like to mention one that’s close to my heart: The Ice Box arts and music centre in Glasgow. It’s struggling and without financial help it may not be able to re-open its doors. They’re raising money here. The…

  • IWD2020

    International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to thank the truly incredible women and non-binary people I’m so lucky to know and without whom I’m nothing: writers and rappers, podcasters and promoters, activists and artists, booksellers and bassists, crafters and comedians, singers and scientists… my family and my found family. Love and power to you…

  • Every villain thinks they’re the hero

    From the Sunday Times:

  • “I can’t be the only one who’s told a dental receptionist I’m here for my tooth hurty”

    Journalist Pete Paphides asked his followers: Is there an aspect of your work that involves dealing with the public? Is there a particular thing that people say to you all the time whilst thinking they’re the first person to have said it? And oh my God, the replies. You’ll recognise yourself, and you’ll cringe.

  • Another powerful and desperately sad book

    I’ve just finished One Of Us by Ã…sne Seierstad. It’s very similar to Dave Cullen’s Columbine in that it’s an incredibly powerful piece of non-fiction about a massacre largely inspired by white supremacist rhetoric. In this case, the massacre is the 2011 bombing and subsequent gun massacre by Anders Brevik, who slaughtered 77 people. It’s…

  • Stewart Lee on Ricky Gervais

    My favourite comedian isn’t pulling any punches. [Jeremy Clarkson’s and Boris Johnson’s] careers have flourished by exploiting the notion that they are lone voices of sanity against a politically correct snowflake cabal intent on silencing normal blokes like them. Their comedy counterpart Ricky Gervais has managed to monetise this notion spectacularly, saying the things that…