Despite public demand, our new EP is available now on Bandcamp (for free, or name your price) and will be coming to streaming next week. I’m very proud of it.
The EP is called The Nest That You Have Flown. The title track is probably the most straightforwardly rock song here, a blast of guitars and driving bass, and it’s followed by a firm live favourite: Opera, the song I can never remember the lyrics to because of some bizarre mental block. David’s guitar is particularly great on this one.
Next up is Closer To The End Than The Beginning, a song about cowardly corporations abandoning their public support for LGBTQ+ folks in which you can really hear my love of Talk Talk’s records (and which we debuted live last year; the cowardice has become even worse in 2025), and last but not least there’s the shimmering guitar pop of Red Carpet Blue.
More music soon.