• Microsoft: turn, baby, turn

    Some interesting stuff from Microsoft via Dave Winer: some heavyweight memos sent to MS staffers by Bill Gates and Ray Ozzie. They’re long – particularly Ozzie’s memo – but worth reading if you’re interested in Microsoft’s future and its current way of thinking. Winer also links to early reactions to the documents, including some typically…

  • Sony’s copy protection just gets worse

    More on the Sony dodgy DRM story: The EULA also makes no reference to any “phone home” behavior, and Sony executives are claiming that the software never contacts Sony and that no information is communicated that could track user behavior. However, a user asserted in a comment on the previous post that they monitored the…

  • I have an iPod – in my mind

    An old but good Onion article: But wait, you say that my iPod isn’t wrapped up in a pretty little white case? Oh, I guess you haven’t heard of a pretty little white case I like to call my skull. There’s plenty of room for all of my contacts, too. Check this out: Paula, 398-9172,…

  • I blew up a mouse yesterday

    Not a real one – a black and decker one. I’m convinced electrical appliances have rudimentary intelligence: they know when the warranty’s up, and when it isn’t. Because of this raw cunning they can suppress their explosive instincts until ten seconds after their first anniversary, at which point they commit suicide in spectacular fashion and…

  • Empire strikes back

    I’m loath to praise any magazine that doesn’t employ me, but the new issue of Empire is really good. The snarkiness of the last year seems to have gone (for a while the mag’s responses to readers’ letters were smug and annoying. I’m convinced the letters page, and particularly the mag responses to the letters,…

  • Simile of the day

    One of the things I love about decent music journalism is the use of similes, particularly when they make me laugh out loud. Today’s Guardian Film and Music section has a cracker from Dorian Lynskey, who reviews the new album by Audio Bullys: Listening to it is like sitting on the top deck of a…

  • Hurrah for Haloscan

    Sorry, this is about blogging. If you use Haloscan to manage your blog’s comments, have a look at the settings section: there’s some good stuff there under the beta tab. Goodies include anti-spam options and support for gravatars (picture icons), but the really useful bit is that Haloscan can now get blog post titles. So…

  • Here comes the Daily Me

    An interesting post on GetMonkey about electronic paper: by 2015, it seems, publishers will give us all free e-paper displays and we’ll pick and choose content. Interesting implications for writers and publishers alike.

  • Recycle, recycle, recycle

    I’m a big fan of recycling – I’ve been recycling the same jokes for years, as you’ve probably noticed – but home recycling’s a bit of a pain: the boxes aren’t big enough to cope with my newspaper and magazine habit, and even when I don’t manage to cram every magazine into the recycling box…

  • Hell hath no fury like a woman with glue

    Slaby said O’Toole waited until he fell asleep and glued his penis to his stomach, glued his testicle to his leg and glued the cheeks of his buttocks together. Then came the nail polish. Slaby claimed O’Toole dumped it all over his head. [Via Fark]