Category: Uncategorised

  • A friend in need (of a hitman?)

    A rare bit of seriousness: a friend is in a bit of a fix and I thought I’d ask for advice – apparently my “hire a hitman!” suggestion isn’t very helpful. John (not his real name) married young and against the advice of pretty much everyone he knew. Before long the marriage was on the…

  • The perfect Christmas gift

    [photopress:masterbation_cover_m.jpg,full,pp_image] Successful people are not addicted to the habit of masturbation simply because they spend their time in what is important for them and their loved ones and not in masturbation. Are you willing to take the action and stop the habit of masturbation which keeps you from success? or Will you allow this habit…

  • Bipolar shyness

    How can someone – like, say, a tech writer – mouth off in print and on the radio but be scared of using the phone? Richard Cobbett nails it. Me, if I had to put a name to my biggest issue, I’d probably have to say ‘bipolar shyness’… it’s a strange mix of extrovert and…

  • Shooting fish in a barrel

    An American mother of four wants Harry Potter books banned from libraries. Referring to the recent rash of deadly assaults at schools, Mallory said books that promote evil — as she claims the Potter ones do — help foster the kind of culture where school shootings happen. That would not happen if students instead read…

  • Hubris

    I was going to blog this morning about inspiration – how, just when you’re struggling with a piece, a bright idea hits you like a ray of sunshine and your literary engine starts really motoring. But I didn’t, and it’s just as well, because my ed has looked at the inspired piece in question and…

  • Six-word film review escapes from underneath Deadline Mountain

    Children of Men is pretty good.

  • Attack of the spambots

    Ah, the joys of the Internet: over the last week or so, the amount of comment spam I’ve been getting on this blog has started to rise. Previously I’d get one or two attempts per week; now, it’s between 15 and 40 per day. And no doubt it’ll get worse. Thank crikey for Akismet, a…

  • Something kinda woo

    Hello, hello, it’s good to be back. Apart from the massive amounts of comment spam, junk emails, letters from the taxman and other joyous things to wade through. So while I get on with housekeeping, a few quick thoughts: * The forthcoming Girls Aloud single, Somethin’ Kinda Oooh, is one of the funniest pop songs…

  • We’re all going on a summer holiday

    Well, I am anyway. I’ll be back in a week…

  • An open letter to online shops

    Dear online shops When you offer – and charge extra for – next day delivery, the customer quite reasonably thinks that means “we will deliver your order the next working day”. If you take it to mean “we will deliver your order the next working day after we actually get some of the items in…