The fix is in

Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has proudly confirmed what our fearless media preferred not to investigate and will most likely choose not to report: the Cass Review was an ideological project and the government has been stuffing key organisations with transphobes in order to roll back trans people’s rights and healthcare.

Posting on X, quote-tweeting one of the most vicious and abusive anti-trans trolls on the platform, the minster proudly wrote that a key reason for the UK’s unwarranted and likely illegal ban on puberty blockers for trans kids was because of “gender-critical men and women in the UK government, holding the positions that mattered most in Equalities and Health. You only need to look at what the SNP did in Scotland to see what would have happened had we not intervened. The Cass Review would **never** have been commissioned under a Labour govt. Labour did not want to know. We had incredible opposition from the system on everything. It was when the ministers changed that
everything changed.”

It’d be funny if it weren’t so awful: the minister is acting like a cartoon villain, proudly boasting of their criminal genius, openly admitting to rigging the system in order to push a bigoted ideology and cause intentional harm to a marginalised minority.



