Category: Uncategorised

  • Microsoft Cock

    I’m indebted to No Rock ‘N’ Roll Fun for this fascinating fact about Microsoft’s iPod killer: Zune is apparently French-Canadian slang for penis. I’d make a joke involving the Zune and the Wii but I’m far too mature for such tomfoolery.

  • When bouncy castles attack

    Bloody hell. TWO women were killed yesterday when a giant “bouncy castle” broke free from its moorings with 30 people inside it. The huge inflatable – half the size of a football pitch – shot 50 feet into the sky above a busy park and flipped over in mid-air.

  • Prey: an insult to Xbox owners? [Update: nope]

    Apparently 70-odd-percent of Prey’s sales have been on Xbox 360. Unless I’m very unlucky, that means there will soon be a lot of pissed-off customers. Games occasionally freeze. I know that. But 26 reboots in an hour? The further into the game you get, the more buggy it becomes – and in the final levels,…

  • Heh heh heh.

    This week’s Private Eye has a cracking quiz answer from the Weakest Link: Q: What is the name of the force that keeps the moon in earth’s orbit, stops us flying into space, etc etc etc? A: Delta Force.

  • Stay safe. Stay in

    The other night I nearly lost my eyebrows lighting a barbecue; today, I managed to blow up a strimmer. They say trouble comes in threes, so I’m staying indoors for the forseeable future. Going outside is too damn dangerous.

  • On the radio again

    Blather alert: I’ll be on Karen Dunbar’s show (BBC Radio Scotland) this morning at 10.40ish to wibble on about mobile phones. And, er, that’s it.

  • Little thoughts

    …none of which justifies an entire blog post: * I traded in a bunch of 360 games at the weekend: PDZ (because it sucks), Ghost Recon (because it’s too difficult) and Far Cry: Predator (because I’ve already played it on Xbox and can’t be bothered with the new mission). Result? Nearly sixty quid, which I…

  • Pimp my email

    Today’s unfortunately named Web service is… [photopress:whoryou.jpg,full,pp_image] [Via Digg, again]

  • “I just know it’s going to be the best non-anesthetized invasive uterine surgery ever!”

    Pro-life blogger gets very upset about a pro-choice article. Doesn’t spot that it’s from The Onion. Here are some of the bits quoted in the blog: “I am totally psyched for this abortion!” “Those pro-life activists made it pretty clear that, unlike me, they actually think abortion is bad and to be avoided. Are they…

  • Bitch and hose

    Sorry about the title, but I thought it was funny. Anyway: Megan is a girl dog. Megan likes water. Megan particularly likes fighting the garden hose. YouTube video here…