Author: Carrie

  • That’s hand-y

    After a long time thinking about it I finally dug out my copy of Logic Studio and listened to the last bunch of demos I did in 2007. And they’re pretty good – good enough that I’m quite excited about recording some stuff and mucking around with music again. So it’s just great that my…

  • More sadness

    Dave Pell: I think about a lot of things before I share online. But here’s one thing I never think about: The unthinkable. Daniel Miller didn’t think of that either. So he shared photos on Facebook and Flickr, wrote anecdotes in his blog, and managed his finances using Mint. And then his one year-old daughter…

  • Gerry Rafferty RIP

    Sad news.

  • Merry Christmas, everyone

    Thanks for making me laugh so much this year, folks. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

  • Thoughts on the proposed Firewall For Filth

    If you haven’t heard, communications minister Ed Vaizey is asking ISPs to consider adopting an opt-in system for online porn. Essentially ISPs will filter unless you specifically ask them not to. Me, over at Techradar: There’s some awful stuff out there, and I don’t think kids should see it any more than I think The Human…

  • An iPad app to captivate children and make their parents cry

    If you’re a parent you’ll know Oliver Jeffers: he’s the writer and artist who created the sublime Lost And Found. And now, one of his books is an iPad app. Narrated by Helena Bonham Carter, the iPad version is a digital delight. And as it’s about death, it *will* make you cry. The app is…

  • Who’s on the phone? THE FUTURE

    You know how I’m often to be found banging on about augmented reality and its potential for awesomeness? Check this out. It’s real and it works. Astonishing. More here.

  • Digital data insurance, or: don’t let your memories die when your hard disk does

    My Apple Time Capsule packed up yesterday. One minute it was working fine; the next, it sounded like a washing machine full of hammers. The hard disk is gone, which is a pain – it had my iTunes library, three years of home movies and ten years of digital photos. I had a backup, of…

  • Illegal downloading did not cost the UK record industry £1 billion

    Fun with bullshit statistics: the BPI says dodgy downloads cost record companies nearly £1 billion this year. But as the Guardian points out, even the BPI knows that figure is massively exaggerated: While the notional worth of the 1.2bn illegal downloads was almost £1bn, the BPI estimated the actual loss from “forgone spend” was £219m in…

  • Gratuitous Half Man Half Biscuit references in tech columns

    I’m writing about unlimited mobile phone data plans today. This is not, it’s safe to say, an industry famed for putting customers first. If the other operators decide to follow Three’s lead and get rid of their monthly data caps without small print or weasel words, I’ll eat my iPhone. I hope I don’t end…