It’s not me, it’s you

I’m careful when I shop. I wash my hands thoroughly before I go out, I use liberal amounts of hand sanitiser before I go in, I wear a mask at all times, I try not to touch anything I’m not sure I’ll buy and I go crazy with the hand sanitiser again when I come out.

The mask isn’t for me; it’s for you. If I’m asymptomatic and potentially a spreader of the virus, the mask can catch the droplets that might go into the air. It doesn’t stop them altogether but the combination of masks and social distancing can reduce viral spread considerably.

What a mask doesn’t do is protect me from the people who don’t wear masks and who don’t keep their distance in the supermarket. There are lots of them. They ignore the one-way aisles, pay no attention to the 2m distancing, barge in front of others and stand in the centre of the aisles so it’s impossible to get past while staying a safe distance away.

I’m pretty sure that’s why I’m currently self-isolating with a temperature of 103.

This is the problem with the people demanding “freedom” from virus restrictions. If they were campaigning for the freedom to blow themselves up in an empty car park somewhere, I’d be all in favour. But that’s not how this works. The people who won’t stay home, who won’t keep their distance, who won’t conform to even the most common-sense instructions are dangerous not just to themselves, but to the rest of us too.