- This cartoon, which compares the design approach of Apple, Google and everybody else (thanks, Ben).
- The film Once, which is now out on DVD. A lovely wee sweet thing that’s about music and relationships and nothing in particular. And the music’s ace.
- The Office: An American Workplace. Series 3, I think – whatever one ITV2 is currently showing.
- Terminator, the telly series. It’s rubbish, but it’s really good rubbish.
- The book Suckers. It’s an expose of alternative medicine and while it’s preaching to the converted, it’s still fascinating.
- The WordPress Antileech plugin, which helps identify – and frustrate – site scrapers and sploggers.
- This essay about school. Not sure I agree with all of it, but it’s interesting.
And that’s it for now. What’s keeping you entertained these days?