Back in 2004, I travelled to Los Angeles to cover a Microsoft thing. My back was grumbling before I went, but by the time I came back the joys of long haul travel meant I could barely walk. Eventually I ended up getting back surgery, which cost even more than a full retail copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium. Yeah, that much.
Fast forward three years and I’ve made my second ever visit to the US, this time to Las Vegas where I’m covering a Microsoft thing. My back was grumbling before I went, but by the time I get back the joys of long haul travel mean I can barely walk.
Hmmm. I can see a trend developing here. Is it:
(a) Microsoft is trying to kill me?
(b) America is trying to kill me?
(c) British Airways is trying to kill me?
(d) All of the above?
My money’s on (d), or perhaps (e) – the makers of Nurofen are messing with me to keep their profits healthy. Only a cynic would suggest that it’s my own damn fault for not doing enough exercise to strengthen my extremely knackered back. Gaaaah.
* The title’s from an old Simple Minds song. Younger readers will find this hard to believe, but there was a time – before they became the Tesco Value U2 – when Simple Minds were incredibly good. No, really. They were.