HMV has a cunning PS3 plan

HMV’s offering 5,000 people the opportunity to pre-order a PS3 online – provided they also buy a PSP and some games, bringing the total to a very reasonable £674.99. Apparently if you order this bargain bundle you’ll take precedence over other HMV online customers in the PS3 stakes – although there’s no guarantee that if you do take advantage of this fantastic deal, you’ll get your console on launch day or at any time close to launch day. The small print says “HMV cannot guarantee that registration on the Priority List means that you will receive your PS3 on the estimated release date, nor that your order will be fulfilled within any given time frame.”

A Sony spokesperson told, which broke the story:

“This is just one of a number of value added incentives that retailers will be offering to mark the launch of PS3.

“Consumers are free to shop around to find a package that best suits their own needs, and offers the greatest value for money.”

But why shop around when HMV’s offfering such a good deal?


