Stupid woman does stupid thing for cash

If it’s a story about people selling stupid things on eBay, you just know it’s going to involve casino site Golden Palace – after all, this is the site that snapped up a bit of toast with Jesus’s face, and which has paid people to display the site URL on various bits of their anatomy. And right enough, Golden Palace was the winning bidder when a woman sold permanent advertising space on her face. Kari Smith now has a very prominent and amateurish tattoo on her forehead.

Smith was paid $10,000, and intends to use the money to pay for years of therapy for her son her son’s education.

“For the all the sacrifices everyone makes, this is a very small one,” she said. “It’s a small sacrifice to build a better future for my son.”

Still, Smith said she knows most people won’t understand why she’s sold her forehead as advertising space. “I really want to do this,” she said. “To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like $1 million. I only live once, and I’m doing it for my son.”

…Smith said she doesn’t think she’ll ever regret having the permanent logo on her forehead, and her son promised to get good grades.


