Get your apps out

I’ve been meaning to do this for ages: a quick list of the applications that make my Mac world a better place. I’d be interested in your own nominations:


One of the things I miss from Windows is the Start button. TigerLaunch basically gives you a Mac equivalent: click on the icon in the menu bar and you can launch any app, anywhere on your Mac. Best of all you can customise the list to exclude things you rarely or never use. I’d rather chew off my own legs than lose this application.


A Swiss Army Knife for Safari. Code colouring, site alteration, animation killing… fantastic.


Run Dashboard widgets in Panther or get extra control over widgets in Tiger. On a related note: what drugs is Apple’s weather widget on? According to the widget, today’s forecast is 1 billion degrees centigrade.


Add HTML formatting for blog entries, board posts and so on with a couple of clicks. A tremendous time saver.


Utterly indispensable screen grabbing software. The latest version keeps all your grabs in a drawer for easy access.


Another indispensable tool for grabbing. Backdrop fills your screen with a white window, or the wallpaper of your choice, to hide open applications, folders, files and so on.


The best RSS reader I’ve ever used.


Not, as you might think, for copyright infringement; rather, it’s a boon for situations like I’m in at the moment – stuck at home, bored, with all my CDs packed away for the forthcoming house move. If someone invents a plugin for Safari that saves me from opening torrents in a separate program I’ll do a happy dance.

That’s probably enough time on the computer for today. I’m off to finish Project Snowblind…


