The Friday Project goes bust

The Friday Project, blog-book publisher extraordinaire, has gone bust. As Bobbie Johnson writes:

According to my sources, The Friday Project has always operated a fairly predatory approach to the web; offering most of their writers fairly desultory rewards for their work, especially compared to the deals offered some other bloggers). Still, any penny pinching didn’t appear to help the bottom line much… the company’s accounts look rough, with losses of £705,713 last year.

What next? Well, the Telegraph says Harper Collins – a book publishing arm of Darth Murdoch’s NewsCorp Death Star – is buying the company. But what becomes of the bloggers and their books? Not clear – directors Scott Pack and Clare Christian both say they can’t comment on the situation.

The Telegraph story says it’s been in administration for a month, so sorry if this is old news. I hadn’t spotted it before.


