Three things for today

Please take a few minutes to watch this short speech by MP Mhairi Black.

It’s a superb summary of the current moral panic and the people fuelling it, and it ends with this message to the trans community:

This is an ugly and shameful time for all of us, but that shame is not yours to feel or yours to carry. In the same way that we teach young people about gay history now and they are horrified when they hear of our past treatment, so too will future children be when they find out how trans people were treated today. This will pass, and in the meantime know that there are allies everywhere that are with you and are fighting for you publicly and behind the scenes. As our community is so often having to tell people, we are going absolutely nowhere.

This speech by Stewart McDonald MP, also to mark Pride, nails “the polite bigotry of the middle classes”.

And this article in USA Today shows how the current campaign against trans kids in sports is built on lies.