#GwiththeT: not in their name

Last year, lesbian women used the #LwiththeT hashtag to declare solidarity with trans people. Now it’s the men’s turn, with an open letter proudly labelled #GwiththeT.


In solidarity with the hashtag #LWithTheT that sprung up last summer, the outpouring of support for the #GWithTheT movement and support from all parts of LGBT communities shows that those who oppose trans equality do not represent us.

As the open letter notes:

Today’s transphobia is yesterday’s recycled homophobia. We all remember and feel the impact of the pernicious Section 28. We are reminded of Martin Niemöller’s poem “First they came for the for the…”. Gay men cannot afford to sit out this fight. Transphobic people aren’t just coming for trans rights; they’re coming for all of us.

These letters really matter. The constant barrage of anti-trans propaganda isn’t exactly great for trans people’s mental health, and all too often a couple of unrepresentative gay or lesbian people are held up to falsely claim that trans people are not welcome in the wider LGBT community. We are, overwhelmingly so, and it really helps to be reminded of that.

Update, 15/3: The letter was originally signed by 72 men. One day later it’s at 540.


