Two on Techradar: let’s have a tech firm fight, and: should we bury online touts with Michael Jackson?

Sorry I’ve been quiet. I’ve been away for a few days. Here are a couple of things I’ve written… first up, Mozilla says Internet Explorer is like malaria. Let’s have a tech firm fight!

“IE is like malaria, is it?” Microsoft could say. “Well! Firefox is like a big fat boy on a girl’s bike! And also, your mum is fat!”

Wouldn’t that be brilliant?

Also, Michael Jackson’s death is going to leave a lot of ticket holders in a financial mess. Should Something Be Done about online ticket touting? The column has been reworded on grounds of taste and decency, but here’s one of the edited lines in its original form:

Concert tickets have become an elaborate mechanism for doing to music fans what Michael Jackson allegedly did to [Er, let’s not go there – Ed].



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