The new .net and fifty brilliant britblogs

Issue 154 of .net arrived in the post this morning, which means it’ll be on sale in the next couple of days. I’m in it with a very bad joke about solid gold ponies, but I’ve also put together a list of 50 British blogs that I reckon everyone should check out. It’s not an attempt to create the definitive “these are the best blogs ever” list, but rather an attempt to showcase a pretty wide range of blogs worth reading.

I’m hoping that it’ll do two things: firstly, give some exposure to some superb sites as well as the usual suspects; and secondly, spark some feedback so we can run a later feature covering more great blogs that we’d never heard of. Once again I’d like to thank everyone who made suggestions, because they helped me discover some excellent blogs I’d have missed otherwise.

The article won’t be published online for a while – there’s a two-month gap between printing and posting, to encourage people to actually buy the mag – but the links will appear on in a few days.

Update, 1 Sep: The delicious links are up, and you’ll find them here. 


